Friday, February 4, 2011

Travel Tip #2: Oh boy! There's vom in row 16!

OK gross I know, but I have to write this post for Eileen!  Eileen, myself and a few other girlfriends were out for drinks one night. I was telling them a story about my car being vandalized by projectile vomit. Yeah someone threw up in my car. Let it sink in, let it pass, OK we're over it...back to the story. So I had my car professionally cleaned and they did a great job. However, my car had the distinct smell of french vanilla coffee (FVC) for weeks and it was driving me nuts! I loathe FVC so you can imagine my annoyance. Finally it dawned on me that what I was smelling was exactly what I thought it was.....FVC.
Fast forward to the inside of an Airbus A320
Unfortunately "vom" as we flight attendants so lovingly call it, is one of the things we have to deal with on the job. I'd like to tell you that most of the time it's from little kids who eat too many bags of Doritos munchies mix, but, a lot of time it's just some jerk who can't hold his liquor. We have a little trick on the airplane when it comes to this stuff. Put on your rubber gloves, clean it the best you can, and dump a bag of fresh coffee grinds on the stain and the affected area. Most of you out there with kids are thinking...I use baking soda...but trust the coffee does a much better job. It not only masks the smell it absorbs the moisture. Pretty genius right!? Well, Eileen thought so when she had to use the technique just a few short days after my car story. So back to that...

There is a Duncan Donuts right next to the car detailing shop and I know this because I bought my hangover breakfast there. I'm telling you they walked right over there after I left them my car. Man had I known they were going to use the airplane trick on my cute little Mazda3 I would've told them to hold the vanilla!

So while traveling or at home I hope you never have to "grab a coffee bag"  but it's there for ya if you need it.

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