Foundation primers hit the scene many years ago. One of the first to introduce us to this world was Vincent Longo or VLNY. Does anyone remember or still use Water Canvas foundation? He really started a trend with that product. It was the first time I had used a primer under my makeup and I was in love. The Water Canvas Base Primer is the name of the product and it's still available. What it did for me was made my foundation application easier by filling in pores and fine lines (funny at the time I was probably 24 and didn't even need foundation never mind a fine line filler) Today I don't use a foundation primer because I don't wear makeup like I used to. I put some concealer under my eyes and on my lids and that's about it for a base. But if you like to use a full face of foundation then a primer might be nice. As I said earlier, it makes the process of applying foundation easier and it's supposed to make your makeup last longer. It doesn't have to be an everyday step, but try it for a special occasion and let me know what you think.
Eyeshadow primers are a hot new item these days too. They definitely make your eyeshadow stick all day and the best more creasing! You know that mid-day grease line in the crease of your eye? Well say buh bye to that! I have the Urban Decay Primer Potion. I don't always remember to use it daily, but I do use it for a night out, or special occasion, date, ya know the usual. When I'm scheduled to do a redeye turn and I'm going to be flying through the night, I try to remember to use my eyeshadow primer. When we land at 7:00am I feel better knowing my eyes don't look like how I'm feeling. Also, I really do think it makes your eyeshadow colors pop and look brighter.
Hot Tip: If you are wanting to try a certain primer or all of them, you can always ask for samples at makeup counters, skin care counters, and retailers like Sephora and Ulta. Don't be shy! Just ask.
I closing, I think primers are great. I don't always use them but I think they are functional to some degree. I mean lets face it, no one but yourself is going to know if you have primer on under your makeup. BUT, when we put in the effort and actually take the extra step to do these things, we feel that much better, sexier and fun, right? Kinda like knowing you have on matching underwear!
I tried to teach my baby cousin some tricks of the trade, but, I don't think she primed before applying!!!
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