Wednesday, September 8, 2010

A Stew with a Magic Wand...or not

Still my numero uno question of all time. So here's a re-post and take the challenge at the bottom seriously...they really DO break.

I often get asked the question "What kind of mascara do you use?" Followed by OMG your lashes are so long. Or is it the other way any case, I'm not saying that I wasn't given the good lashline gene, but, I do have a few tricks for you on how to create fuller, longer lashes on just about anyone. Not to disappoint you but there isn't any "magic wand" it's mostly technique. Keep this in mind: I always tell people you have to make a mess sometimes before you can make something pretty. This goes for eyelashes. Here are a few things to try:
1. Start off with an eyelash comb and good mascara. I'm not talking a $30 tube, I'm talking something that hasn't been buried in the bottom of you makeup drawer for the last 6 months. Mascara most certainly has an expiration date: in my opinion you should be opening a brand new tube every 3 months. For the bacteria factor as well as the clumpy mess factor. I know you have a favorite brand, so use it, I'm sure it works for you. Eyelash combs are great! Try one with metal teeth.
2. Curl now and not later. You will pull your lashes out if you curl after you apply the mascara.
3. You want to get as much mascara at the base of your lashes as possible. Wiggle the wand in a zigzag motion at the roots of your lashes up to the tips.
4. Take the tip of the wand and brush your outer lashes inward. This distributes lots of product on the outer corners of your eye.(this is the mess I mentioned earlier) Then again with the tip of the wand spread your lashes back out and into place. This extends and opens the eye.
5. Apply again in an upward motion to all lashes.(on top) Use the tip of the wand to spread the inner and outer corners into a fan. Stop. Comb. Gently from the roots to the tips in an upward motion.
6. Apply another coat if necessary, comb. Apply to the bottom lashes if you like. Then start other eye.
Something else: I also would like to note, it is crucial that you take your mascara off every night! Eyelashes break and if you don't take your mascara off before bed, you will wake up with short, stubby, broken lashes. That's a fact. Challenge: try this for 4 weeks, I bet your lashes look better then ever!

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